Easy Hiring guarantees to find a candidate for your job within 24 hours and charges only 1-5% fee of the candidates annual salary after successful hiring
Az Easy Hiring segítségével 24 órán belül megtalálhatja a megfelelő jelöltet és a sikeres felvétel után a jelölt éves bérének mindössze 1-5%-os díját számítjuk fel
Yes and that’s the way we are doing this
Igen, velünk mindenképp.
We pre-process and evaluate your request, preparing questions for further details
We make an appointment or a call so your personal manager can find out the requirements
Using our custom-built recruitment software, we start the search based on your requirements
We check all the candidates both for the authenticity of their CV and for compliance with the job requirements
We form a list of the most suitable candidates in and send it to you for further processing
We are in touch until a right candidate is hired, if you have not found a candidate from the list, we are ready to rematch
Easy Hiring is based on years of human experience and latest technologies approach
The matching technologies we use allow us to compile a list of suitable candidates for your request in less than 24 hours
Hiring costs under our model are from 1% of the hired candidate annual salary (depending on the category)
For candidates screening, we use both our software recruitment tools and an additional assessment by our managers
Az általunk használt technológiáknak köszönhetően kevesebb mint 24 óra alatt összeállítjuk ügyfeleink számára a kérésének megfelelő listát
Fizetési modelljeinkben a toborzási költségek az általunk közvetített jelölt éves bérének 1%-tól indulnak (kategóriától függően)
A jelöltek szűrésére saját toborzási szoftverünket, valamint menedzsereink tapasztalatát használjuk
Leave your request now and we will start looking for the perfect candidate for your vacancy right now
One of the main tasks in the market - for both small and large companies - is to close a candidate search request as soon as possible. We have not only optimized th candidates search time, but also set the optimal hiring cost
Our primary focus is to give you the best service ever possible
Relevant candidates who meet every point of your request
Paying for hire at the lowest market rates according to the category
Personal manager who processes each request individually
You are guaranteed to get a candidate that suits your exact position
You receive the relevant candidates pool within the first 24 hours
The support team is in touch from the request to hiring
Releváns jelentkezők, akik mindenben megfelelnek az igényeinek
A legalacsonyabb piaci ár a kikölcsönzött munkaerő után a kategóriának megfelelően
Személyes menedzser, aki mindegyik kérést személyesen felügyeli
Garantáljuk az olyan jelölteket, amelyek megfelelnek a pozíciójának
24 órán belül átadjuk az első releváns jelölteket
A támogató csapat elérhető az igényléstől egészen a felvételig
Our managers are already ready to process your request and start searching for a candidate who will perfectly match your request
We have been working in the recruitment industry for more than 10 years and during this time our team have created several products that have helped close more than 100,000 vacancies.
Our approach allows us to successfully close requests from various categories
If you have any questions, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible!
Ready to start using programmatic job advertising? Than leave your contacts and we will call you as soon as possible!